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The Launch of EdYouGallery TV

Published Bernice on Friday, December 18, 2020 12:00 AM

EdYouGallery TV

January 2021 will bring an exciting new project to life, which is a collaboration between Giovanni Rottura, Thomas Jones and Schools & Agents. This project will be called EdYouGallery TV and it will consist of frequent broadcasts via social media on a variety of Education related matters. Education providers and teachers from around the world are being encouraged to get in touch with us to discuss any ideas that they might have for broadcasts. The topics we have in mind range from classroom experiences, to different classroom management styles, the struggles of online well as many other topics that you can think of.

Our aim is for this to be a platform where people from around the world can share examples of best practice. You are already invited to subscribe to our YouTube Channel here.

Here's a lovely interview we had yesterday with Giovanni and Thom where we specifically discussed these topics.

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